3 Ways to See if Your Video Marketing is Working

Posted by Jessica Frearson 20 Sep 2018

How do you know if your video marketing is actually working? How do you know if you’re using it correctly and broadcasting it within the correct applications or best digital channels? How do you know if the money you have invested in video has been effective so far?

These answers obviously depend on the individuals business and brand, but there are some simple universal ways you can check if your video marketing is generating new leads, sign-ups, converting website visitors or whatever you desired goal is.


1. Visitor Time on Site Increases

This is the easiest statistic to check, you simply need to see if there has been a rise in daily, weekly and monthly visitors to your site. All businesses should have Google Analytics tracking their website already, and average visitor time is one of the first stats you will see when logging in.
Reports have shown that video attracts 2 to 3 times as many monthly visitors and that the average user will spend 88% more time on a site that has video compared to one without. That’s a lot. The more time that your audience spends on your site, the more time they spend interacting with your items and less time looking at your competitor’s (which is pretty important).

You also need to look into the drop off point of your video which is easy to view on your YouTube analytics. If people watch the video on your social channels and you don’t see much of an increase in activity on your site, this could show that your video isn’t very effective at driving your audience to look into your company further. Tip: Use call-to-action points at the end of your videos to encourage them to look at your site after watching the video, rather than telling them everything in one place.


2. Visitor View More Pages

As well as tracking the increase in visitors, you also need to monitor what they do on your site. The more pages that your audience visit, the more engaged they are with your brand and your business. A visitor who visits one or more page on your site is actively looking for information about your services and are more likely to interact with you.

Your video should be a quick snapshot of your brand. 46% of users act after viewing an ad which is a high percentage that will want move on to learning more about your services and what you offer, which means they will view more pages within your site.


3. Conversion Rates

Your conversion rate is essential to look at when analysing the statistics of your site and by having video on a landing page can increase conversions by 80%.

A conversion rate is merely the ratio of the number of visitors to a specific product page who took action. For example, if you had 10,000 people visit your page for orange t-shirts in a month and 2,000 people actually brought a t-shirt that month, your conversion rate would be 20%, simple!

This rate is critical to look at because if you have a lot of traffic towards a particular page but not much interaction, there may be an issue which the introduction of your video should help to solve, and your conversion rate should increase.


Digital marketing is not an exact science. What worked before may not work again, and what worked for someone else may not work for you. A greater understanding of video marketing will give you the best starting point for success, but setting goals and monitoring the performance of video in context to those goals is the only way of knowing with any sizeable degree of certainty whether your video marketing is working for you.


We have created a killer marketing subscription to help many of our clients boost their interactions and ROI. A recent project we have been working on is Derby Feste. It included stills, cut downs, videos and other assets to ensure that they got tasty results! Check out our recent collaboration here.

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